His Excellency
Dr. Peter Ndsubuisi Mbah
Governor, Enugu State

Rt, Hon. Uche Anya
Executive Chairman ECTDA
— Tomorrow is Here —
About Enugu Capital Territory Development Authority
Enugu Capital Territory Development Authority (ECTDA) was established through an Act of Parliament enacted by Enugu State House of Assembly in May 2009.
The Authority was mandated to supervise development programs, projects, and activities within three Local Government Areas – the Enugu East, North, and South that comprised the Enugu Capital City. In her structural mandate, ECTDA has an inter-ministerial role to play, as the Enugu State Government law No. 5 of 2009, establishing the Authority stipulated that relevant under-listed MDAs shall be members of her Board to enhance the ease in the discharge of her legitimate duties; and they include:
Ministry of Lands and Urban Development, Ministry of Transport, Enugu State Waste Management Agency,
Enugu State Water Corporation, Ministry of Environment and Solid Minerals, Enugu State Tourism Board vii. Enugu State Fire Service.
The three (3) LGAs (Enugu East, North and South) and
Ministry of Culture
The purpose of this Charter is to articulate, create and highlight on desired standards of improved service delivery and implement same to the masses who dwell, visit, and/or pass through Enugu State in areas of:
- Building Plan Approvals
- Urban Renewal
- Development control and Infrastructural
- Management, among others in line with the vision and mission of Enugu.